Assessing Mathematical Representations in Kindergarten

Kyoko Johns, Jennifer Troncale

Children and Adolescents with Oppositional Defiant Disoder: The Impact and Effects on Their Academic Achievement

Carl Gardiner

Implementing iPad Apps for Elementary Language Arts

Hanan Alkhamis, Tara Haskins, Vincent Aleccia

Relationship between Paternal Involvement in Pupils’ Education and Academic Achievement among Primary School Pupils in Nairobi County, Kenya

Bironga, S. Moraa; Muchanje P. Nyaga      

Obama’s Legacy of Expedient Leadership in the Face of Racism

Christopher M. kimaru

Service Learning in Higher Education

Michael Polgar

A Case Exploring Black Women’s Perspectives on Microenterprise Start-up Process in the Caribbean

Amanda J. Muhammad, Lombuso S. Khoza

The Paradox of Punk

Dr. Ken Spring, Luke Mayton

The Contextualization of Media in the Cultural Psyche of Philippine Society

Agnes Jacob-Nepomuceno

The Government in the Promotion of the 300 Years Celebration of Filipinos’ Cultural Identity- 1710-2010

Atty. Alex B. Nepomuceno

Three Decades of SILLyness (including Key-letter Theory)

Zev bar-Lev

Teaching At-Risk High School Students Communication Competence Skills through Facework and Improved Self-Monitoring

Kevin T. Jones, Jeff Birdsell

Development of Cultural Consciousness from the Perspective of a Social Constructivist

Gregory M. Nixon

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