Key Characteristics of an Academia-Industry Partnership to Meet the Education and Training Needs In a Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (Stem) Field

Joseph C. Richardson

Communication: Equity Pedagogy in the Mathematics Classroom

Michael D Dornoo

Is the Diversification Benefit from Holding a Certain Number of Stocks a Reality or Myth?

Md Nazmul Hasan Bhuyan, Ruthi Reza, Ashraf El-Houbi

Teacher Motivation and School Performance, the Mediating Effect of Job Satisfaction: Survey from Secondary Schools in Mogadishu

Ali Yassin Sheikh Ali, Abdulkadir Mohamud Dahie, Ali Abdulkadir Ali    

The Effects of Reflective Journaling on Content Comprehension

Krista K. Fritson, Krista D. Forrest, Mackenzie Boon

Parental Socio-Economic Status and Students’ Academic Achievement in Selected Secondary Schools in Urban Informal Settlements in Westlands Division, Nairobi County.

Mary Nadenge Gabriel, Dr. Ngesu Lewis Muli, Mr. Isaac Muasya, Dr. Timothy Maonga, Maira J. Mukhungulu

Bugs in a Bag: Literacy through Language Activities

Kuei-fang Tsai, Barbara Huck, Ling-Ling Tsao, Hsin-Hui Grace Lin

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