No Child Left Behind Evolutionary Implementation

Gilvert Angervil

U.S. Military Response to Domestic Civil Unrest: Implications for Social Work

Mark R. Marquez, Chester D. Dilday, Dorrance Kennedy

The Management Diagnosis Framework: A Sensemaking Method for Teaching Causal Thinking, Solutions Development, and Empirical Validation

Kent S. Faught

Home Literacy, Summer School, and Kindergarten Readiness among Bilingual Preschoolers in Low-Income Families

Dr. Sarah Ransdell

Process over Product: Using Undergraduate Research to Prepare Preservice Teachers for Teaching Inquiry in the Secondary Classroom

Christina Janise McIntyre, Stacia Miller, Angela Cartwright Lynskey, Pamela Whitehouse, Krysta Woods

The History, Culture, and Major Contributions of the Chinese Hui Nationality to the Development of the Yellow River Civilization

Dr. Abdelhadi Halawa

Building Collaboration through Participatory Action Research

Kym Acuña, Ed. D

Technology Leaders Initiative: Developing Tomorrow’s Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Achievers