Gender Stratification and Gender Segregation: Does Education Matter Gender Income Gap? A Case Study from China

Jian Li, Ph.D.; Jing Hui Xu

School Leader Awareness: Domestic Violence Happens to Educators, too—Her Story, “The Final Blow”

Roselia Alaniz, Ph.D.; Estella De Los Santos, Ed.D.

Some Similarities in the Language Policies of Kenya and Malaysia

Dr. Kebeya Hilda

Drugs, Weapons, and Liquor: Considerations of Personal Safety and Security at a Southern Regional Institution of Higher Education

Jeremy Sheffield, Daniel Adrian Doss   

Educational Service Quality and Students’ Satisfaction in Public Universities in Kenya

Augustine M. Kara, Edward Tanui, Ph.D.; Jeremiah M. Kalai, Ph.D.   

Life Skills for 21st Century Learners

Ie May Freeman, Ed.D.   

The Challenges Facing Adult and Continuing Education in Kenya
Mary Nadenge Gabriel, Dr. John Mwangi, Dr. Ngesu Lewis, Mr. Isaac

Muasya, Mr. Ambrose K. Vengi   

Differentiating Instruction: Challenges in the Secondary Classroom

Dr. Roben Taylor    

Analysis of Environmental Risk of Technogenic Nature – A Stage In Environmental Insurance of Industrial Enterprises

Irena Misheva, PhD   

Understanding the Influence of Mosston’s Spectrum of Teaching Styles Using Sentiment Analysis

Las Johansen B. Caluza, PhD

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