School Climate: Hot or Cold?

Diana M. Yesbeck

“Professor, Slide Jumping was Pretty Intense Today: ” Undergraduate Peer Educators as Formative Evaluators

H. Russell Searight, Lacey Johnson, Molly Hartman, Mari Schupp

Human Resource Managers and Organizational Leaders Must Have Generational Awareness: What Do They Have To Know?

Joseph B. Mosca, Felix E. De Jesus

The Socioeconomic Impact of the Development of Abadaba Lake as a Boost to Tourism and Community Development in Imo State Nigeria.

Alphonsus O. Isidiho, Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shatar B. Sabran    

Adapting Stories for Teaching English to Young Learners: A Brain-Friendly Learning Perspective

Ksenia Panteeva

The Role of Animal Welfare Legislation in Shaping Child Protection in the United States

Elizabeth W. LeBow, Debbie J. Cherney

Religious Conversion in Prison: Prosocial V. Antisocial Identities

Malcolm L. Rigsby

The Integration of Values in the Teaching of Social Sciences

Katherine E. Evasco

The Barriers That Deputy Head Teachers in Secondary Schools Face on Their Journey to Headship

Ranbir Chagger, Tom Bisschoff

Professional Conduct of Academic Staff in Public Universities in Kenya: Learners’ Perception

Paul K. Wainaina, Andanje Mwisukha, Elijah Gitonga Rintaugu

Getting the Homework Done: Social Class and Parents’ Relationship to Homework

Amy Lutz, Lakshmi Jayaram

Organizational Design Assessment: A Practical Tool for Creating Organizational Agility

Jacqueline Ritacco

Educating Students in Maintaining Civility in the Classroom and Beyond through Constructive Feedback

Dr. George E. Coroian, Jr.

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