A Dual Perspective in Leadership and Decision Making Through a Distance Learning Simulated City

Dr. David Brian Ross, Julie Ann Exposito

Examining the Impact of a Nutrition Education Intervention Program on Middle School Students

Chanadra Young Whiting Ed.D, MPH/HSA; Audrey P. Miller, PhD, MSN Ed, RN, CPN

Females’ Perception of the Role of Fathers in Caring for Children

Dr. Shahrokh Shafaie, Dr. Gloysis Mayers, Dr. Fatima Yousef Al-Maadadi, Dr. Chris Coughlin, Dr. Deborah G. Wooldridge

Formative Assessment in Health Care Education

Thomas J. Wing, MHS, RRT; Megan S. Koster, MHS, RRT; Lutana H. Haan, MHS, RRT, RPSGT

The Aims of Early Years Outdoor Education in England: A Conceptual and Empirical Investigation

Helen Bilton

A Content Analysis of Selected Secondary History Textbooks’ Portrayals of Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro

Jebadiah S. Lillejord, Ed.D.; Arthur K. Ellis, Ed.D

The Question of Democracy in a Limbo State: Case Study of the Republic of Kosovo